© Visit Luxembourg
Minett Germany France

30 Station to station Oberkorn - Fond de Gras - Rodange

Starting point
Oberkorn train station
Rodange Train station
17,78 km
5:00 h
  • Condition
  • Technique
Highest point
424 Hm
Lowest point
268 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
258 Hm
Aggregated Descent
304 Hm
Distance trails Visit Luxembourg


Tour tip Scenic
Hike from train station to station, from Oberkorn via Fond de Gras to Rodange

This tour combines two national rambling routes: at first, it follows the Sentier du Sud to reach the French border, then the Sentier des Mineurs to cross a wide forest. At Roudenhaff, the route leaves the border line in order to descend to the industrial and railway park at Fond-de-Gras which is worth visiting. Hikers then walk around Tëtelbierg hill with its interesting archeological sites and finally arrive at Rodange station via Lamadelaine.



© Editions Guy Binsfeld

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